If you're interested, I sell under "fritzytoo."
Here's the story behind the name: we got the sweetest Schnauzer when I was in the hospital during my first round of chemo in 2002. He was my best buddy who kept me company when Greg was on the road, slept curled up in the crook of my legs, and even sat on my lap while I drove to Utah and back. His name was Fritz.
If you know the movie "The Wizard of Oz" (and if you don't I can't understand how we're friends), then you'll remember at the end when Dorothy is hoping to exit Oz via a hot air balloon she asks Glinda, "And Toto, too?" It's one of my favorite movie lines of all time, so it was fitting that when Greg and I would go anywhere, I would ask, "And Fritzy, too?"
And fritzytoo was created.