Greg and Katherine on 9/12/08 and her chocolate sauce imitation of her daddy's goatee.
The evening started out lovely and calm, and it was so cute when Katherine said, "Daddy, you are so handsome!" How darling is that? But then I asked Greg to wash Katherine's hair since 4 of my fingers are wrapped in band-aids and stinging because of bleeding splits in the skin. The calm atmosphere in our home deteriorated rapidly from the moment the shampoo was poured on that poor, pitiful head. Talk about weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, and that was from both of them! Katherine's screams of "I want mommy" were followed by Greg's stern direction to "just close your eyes." Call me an optimist, but I really thought the situation would resolve without me having to leave the coziness of my comforter. I was wrong. Greg was completely frustrated and Katherine nearly puked after inhaling sudsy water.
Isn't it so cute that they have matching eyebrows?