Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

We've been experiencing a bit of snow up here in the Northwest. We stopped counting at 30" at our house. Just when we think we can't possibly get anymore snow, the news reports more downfall. The prediction for Christmas day is another 8-10 inches!
Sledding is the only great thing about having a steep driveway!
Our neighbor Jamie (aka "Mullet Man") took Katherine and me for a ride on his 4 wheeler:
From our driveway looking down the street to the East. The 3 brown dots are our neighbors who were out shoveling their driveway.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Traditions

Constructing a gingerbread house has become a Stevenson family tradition. To alleviate some stress, I buy the packaged kit.
Katherine absolutely loved decorating the house and even took over icing duties after my hand cramped. Most of the candies were placed by Kat and she would have continued decorating all night but we ran out of icing.
We also discovered another help to construction: hot glue gun. It's the best way to ensure the walls stay standing and the roof doesn't slide down:
Holiday Magic!


Me, Edward, Jolinda and Kelly

Most of you know I'm not a Twilight-ee. I read the first book, was uninspired by the writing and the storyline, and then didn't think much more about it until near hysteria hit among my friends about a year later. I've listened to my friends rave about the romance between Bella and Edward and I've tried to understand it, but I can't. My reputation among the card/scrap/book groupers is of a non-fan and detractor of the series, but I am still liked (I think) enough to have been invited to the Twilight movie bash and midnight viewing. Although not a memorable movie, the party was fabulous.

Posing with a fab party favor: chocolate & caramel covered apple

Lisa, party planner extraordinaire
Example of the decor at the party. Lisa and her sisters transformed the party room at the theatre into a black and red feast for the eyes, and I'm not including the Edward actor in that statement.

The theatre reserved a room for the party goers to view the movie at midnight.