Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Traditions

Constructing a gingerbread house has become a Stevenson family tradition. To alleviate some stress, I buy the packaged kit.
Katherine absolutely loved decorating the house and even took over icing duties after my hand cramped. Most of the candies were placed by Kat and she would have continued decorating all night but we ran out of icing.
We also discovered another help to construction: hot glue gun. It's the best way to ensure the walls stay standing and the roof doesn't slide down:
Holiday Magic!


Sant Family said...

I might have to try hot glue this year. I've been using melted sugar and it holds AWESOME but it burns like a #%@&!!! when you get it on your skin. Oh, especially when it lands on your fingernail and under the nail gets a blister...

Actually, that's a lot like being burned by a glue gun isn't it?

The word verification is methaq.

Norton Family said...

Looks like fun. We went the graham cracker route but it didn't turn out nearly as well. Maybe we'll try your way next year. Happy Holidays!

Reno 411 said...

I love the prepared houses, we're going to decorate on tonight!