Monday, March 16, 2009

The Family I Married Into

First, Scott, you should know better than to send pictures to Greg, me or anyone with the suggestion of "blackmail" in the message.

This is the Sharm and Mardy Stevenson children during their last vacation to the Lake of the Ozarks, standing above the Bagnell Dam circa the 70's. From front to back is Scott, Chris, Jorli, Brad and my guy, Greg (in the overalls).
Question is: did they crawl out of the Ozarks or were they really just visiting?

Love you all!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Addressing A New Addiction

As if there aren't enough addictions already!

I think the following article is worth a looksy by anyone taking a looksy here. I certainly identified with a few points:

I laughed out loud at the comment about the mom who checked her blog, Flickr, Twitter regularly for comments others made about her posts and pictures. You know who you are!!!