Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Updates. . .

We've had a busy summer. Between traveling and enduring a 3 week tear-out and renovation of our kitchen tile floor I was a bit overwhelmed. Here are some of the highlights:

Make-up application by Katherine:
I'm sure she thought it was a good idea in the beginning to sit in the sink and spray herself with the nozzle. Kat was mad when I demanded to take a picture of her before lifting her out.
A new hairdo for school:
How many cousins will fit in the Barbie Jeep?
4th of July at the Komm cabin:
Watching movies with cousins on G&G Komm's bed at the cabin:
Visiting Hogle Zoo with Uncle Jason:
We visited Greenbluff to pick strawberries and then I made many batches of freezer jam:
Visiting Temple Square with G&G Stevenson who are workers at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building:
At the Seattle Aquarium in August. Kat and I took a road trip with Grandma and Leslie and her kids to shop and play in Seattle:

There were many playdates this summer with Haylie. They wanted to play with make-up one day and I had them sit in my bathtub to avoid a big mess:

On the swingset Daddy assembled for Kat's 4th birthday:
With swim instructor Miss Janet. Kat passed her first swimming class and will advance:


Sant Family said...

Am I hallucinating? Did you ACTUALLY post something?

Yes, it is real, I am not asleep! YAY!!!

I can NOT believe how much Katherine changed over the summer! She is a real kids now - gone is the toddler look. All long-legged and lookin' sassy!

I have missed you! Thanks for the update!

Larsens said...

That was a great update! Thanks. Little Miss looks so grown-up.

houseofhud said...

Wow...she's so grown up now! Sounds like you had a busy but fun summer!

PartyOfFour said...

What a cutie-pie!

She is absolutely adorable...get ready for those summers to be here and gone! I don't know what happens but the older they get the quicker they grow and before you know it...Jr. High, time sure does fly.

You have a beautiful family!

And I'm absolutely in awe over the obstacles you've overcome, you're an inspiration to us all.

Good to connect with you out here in cyber space...

Reno 411 said...

I love all the highlights. Yay for the new post. Katherine is growing way too fast. I am glad you are doing well. I miss ya!