Monday, October 6, 2008

Watch Out For That. . .

Wish I could include a picture with this story, but, alas, probably not appropriate. On Saturday afternoon, after lounging, watching conference and cleaning the house top to bottom, I jumped in the shower to clean up so I could take Kat and two cousins to "Beverly Hills Chihuahua." Kat ended up in the shower with me and was hyper about getting to go to the movie. I didn't understand what she was doing at first (my eyes were closed, rinsing my hair) and then I just busted up laughing. She was yelling, "Watch out for that tree!", smashing her body and face against the glass shower wall and then sliding down, face plastered and tongue hanging out. We love "George of the Jungle" at our house.


Sant Family said...

First of all, THANK YOU for not posting a picture. You are hot and everything, but this is a family blog.

We LOVE George of the Jungle, too! My boys run into the wall saying that same thing.

Silly kids. I'd probably break my nose. How was the dog movie?

Larsens said...

Yeah, I must say, good for you for not having a camera in the shower. I can picture Kat doing that, though. She is the funniest little girl.
We miss you. Feel better. Hope Kat feels better too.