Friday, December 19, 2008


Me, Edward, Jolinda and Kelly

Most of you know I'm not a Twilight-ee. I read the first book, was uninspired by the writing and the storyline, and then didn't think much more about it until near hysteria hit among my friends about a year later. I've listened to my friends rave about the romance between Bella and Edward and I've tried to understand it, but I can't. My reputation among the card/scrap/book groupers is of a non-fan and detractor of the series, but I am still liked (I think) enough to have been invited to the Twilight movie bash and midnight viewing. Although not a memorable movie, the party was fabulous.

Posing with a fab party favor: chocolate & caramel covered apple

Lisa, party planner extraordinaire
Example of the decor at the party. Lisa and her sisters transformed the party room at the theatre into a black and red feast for the eyes, and I'm not including the Edward actor in that statement.

The theatre reserved a room for the party goers to view the movie at midnight.


Sant Family said...

I am so glad that you still have friends even though you (and I) are in the "WHY Does Everyone Love Twilight?" fan club.

That looks like a fabulous party. Those girls could totally make a ton of money hiring their mad party skills out.

HW said...

I'm so with you on the Twilight thing, Kristine. Why are adult women so enamored with such a creepy stalker of a vampire as hero of such a fluffy teeny-bopper book? I understand my teenage girls liking it, but I kind of shake my head in wonder at grown friends of mine who do.