Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Little Girls

Yesterday Katherine sang the song from Annie, "Little Girls, Little Girls" and I remembered that song all day as we had Jessica at our house to play. It was so fun to hear them as they made up imaginary scenarios and took turns being the puppy dog or the princess. There was a little fighting (mostly Katherine being bossy) and Jessica graciously giving in. What a good girl she was and cleaned up all of the play-doh mess by herself, Katherine being no help at all.
After 4 hours together, it was time to relax a bit so the girls chose to watch Sleeping Beauty. I was asked to bring them chips and strawberry Crystal Light as a treat and then they plopped down on the couch to watch. I thought it was so funny that of all the places one can sit in the family room, they're cuddled close together, sharing chips and chatting throughout the show.

1 comment:

Sant Family said...

Little girls are the sweetest ...