Saturday, April 12, 2008

Feeling Crabby

Katherine is walking around with a baby crab (imaginary) in her hands. Apparently it misses its famly. Wait. Update: there are two crabs, a family of crabs, she says. I'm trying to figure this all out:

This afternoon we went to Costo and there was a seafood market. I pointed out the crabs on ice to Katherine and she became very concerned. Soon she was crying about the crabs wrapped up in rubberbands that couldn't use their pinchers (word emphasized with her hands pinching the air). Then I made the mistake of telling her that it was okay because the crabs were dead. More sobs. Aisle after aisle she held her head in her hands saying,

"It's all my fault. I have to save the crabs."
"If I cry my tears on the crabs they'll come alive."
"Please, momma, can I say 'sorry' to the crabs?"

Finally, I carried her back to the crabs so she could say "goodbye." I explained to the seafood booth guy that my daughter was distraught over the fate of the crabs. That dumb man picked up one of the king crab legs, poked the glass in front of us with it and then roared. Idiot.

So, what do you think? Do I have a future PETA member? I do know it will be a while before we really explain where her beloved bacon comes from. . .


ElleDee said...

kids say the darndest things !

(i spelled darndest really wrong didn't I?!)

Sant Family said...

This is a radical change from her reaction to Sari's crab. She is so articulate. It's like she thinks she is a phoenix - her tears heal.

Larsens said...

What a sweet story. Funny girl.

Reno 411 said...

She is so funny.

~Whitney~ said...

I really hope you are writing down all these gems. She is going to be on broadway some day.... so dramatic!

Tagged u. Sorry. I don't know many to tag and I was tagged by my daughter and I don't know why I feel I have to apologize for tagging. Sigh.