Saturday, June 14, 2008

Teaching Manners to a 4 Year Old

This evening, Greg had a funny teaching moment with Katherine. She was sitting at the bar eating cheese when she, well, "cut the cheese." She said, "Dad, I did a stinker." Greg responded that she should say "excuse me." Katherine promptly said, "excuse me," thought about it and then exclaimed: "My bum did a burp!"


Sant Family said...

This is so funny! One of my kids said that too! I think it was Matthew a few years back. Hilarious! Katherine is soooo stinkin' precocious! Love her!

houseofhud said...

I'm glad you document the cute things she says. I always say to myself "I need to write that one down." But when I go to write it down I forget what they said. Aren't kids funny!

Reno 411 said...

That is awesome! What a character.