Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Unbalanced. . . And Dealing With It

A photo essay about my life right now:

There's a lot going on right now; stuff of my own choosing and stuff I would never choose. (Why am I the only one looking at the camera?)
No matter how hard I try, there are things beyond my control. (Kat jumping off my knee and the slope of the ground.)
I just have to roll with it . . . and laugh a little, too. Sometimes its best to rest a while before trying to get up and fight again.


Sant Family said...

Hmmm this sounds like a great analogy for a STAKE CONFERENCE talk! I think ... April will be a good time for you to expound on this.

And by the way, how do you look so fabulous, rolling down the hill with an apple in your hand?

Michelle said...

when we're little we learn to fix, perform, "do". i've found the most peace and rest when i depend on, believe and follow. :)

you're in my prayers,