Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I've been "tagged" by my friend, Heather, to post 7 little known facts about myself:

1) My secret desire is to sing in front of a big band, dressed in a fabulous 40's gown. I'd sing the oldies like "Someone to Watch Over Me," "As Time Goes By," "L-O-V-E," etc. When I'm alone in the car I play my Natalie Cole or Frank Sinatra CD's and belt out the tunes, imagining being on stage with a fabulous brass band accompanying me. I must have watched too much Lawrence Welk when I was a kid.

2) Whenever I fly, I always take two "trashy" magazines with me to read on the flight: People and In Touch. The duration of most of the flights allows me to get through both of the mags and their crossword puzzles. Reading about celebs and catching up on the gossip keeps my mind off being in the airplane, the time going by and other traveling stresses.

3) I actually enjoy doing laundry. I like sorting, working out stains, folding, ironing. The smell of warm clothes coming out of the dryer is comforting to me. Putting the clothes into neat piles after folding satisfies my need for organization. I use fragranced linen water when I iron so there is a pleasant smell as I work out the wrinkles. What I don't enjoy is emptying the dishwasher; it makes me feel like I'm moving in reverse.

4) I'm a book snob. Snobbish not only in the books I choose to read but about the books' condition. I recently bought a book on Amazon that had a big food stain that seeped through several pages. It grossed me out and I began imagining the slob who couldn't even wipe off the sauce, left it and then sold it to me claiming it to be in "like new" condition. I seriously had to put the book down for a while and then contemplated using alcohol and a Q-tip to remove the offensive marks. To avoid such angst-filled situations, I usually buy new books, chosen carefully for their unmarked and perfect covers. I like crisp, clean pages and the new smell when the cover is opened. It's a drug for me. And when I read a book, I don't bend the pages or crease the binding so that it remains truly LIKE NEW and can be sold on if I don't want to keep the book or share it with a friend.

5) After reading #4, you may be surprised by my next little-known fact: I like Wal-Mart. I go at least once a month to stock up on essentials and I enjoy the experience. I like the prices, the selection and I really like that our Wal-Mart has added groceries.

6) I'm addicted to selling on ebay. I am quite a shopaholic and ebay is my cure to shopping mistakes. It also helps to buy new things by selling my used items. For example, I earn the money to buy Katherine's Gymboree clothes by selling the used collections. I come out about even on the cost since I only buy sale items, and usually at the end of the season for the next year. I'm in the middle of a BIG SALE right now and just sold 35 lots=Christmas money and paying off my last trip to the Park City Outlets.

7) I have never made bread without the aid of a breadmaker. Yeast scares me. In 8th Grade Homemaking the teacher did a demonstration on breadmaking and it freaked me out. Something seemed so complicated about it, but I have no problem dumping yeast in my breadmaker to make dough for cinnamon rolls or breads. I must get over my fears.

I'm tagging Marja, Lynette, Tifani, Kristina, Tristan, Kimberly and Missy


Sant Family said...

Okay - we watched Lawrence Welk EVERY SINGLE WEEK!! And, I also LOVE Big Band music!


How did we not discover this yet?

I have a hard time checking out books from the library for the same reason you list. One time I found a hair ... not just any hair if you get my drift. I about threw up.

Let me see if I understand this ... you told the ward women that making creme brulee was "really easy" (I don't even know if I spelled it right) and you whipped it right up, right there in front of us, with all kinds of funky kitchen stuff, including a BLOWTORCH, and you are afraid of YEAST?

Afraid of yeast as in infection, I understand, but baker yeast. Is it just the word? I find the word disturbing to say.

Loved the info!

Love, Tif

HW said...

Two books for you: Mountains beyond Mountains, which is an amazing read for many reasons, but the doctor it is written about brings People magazine on trips too. He calls it JPS for short. (Journal of Popular Studies. I loved that--illusive, yet so accurate.) Another good one is Ex Libris by Anne Fadiman. She is a carnal lover of books, but understands the purity of your kind of book lust. Personally, I'm with you. There is just something intoxicating about the smell and feel of a new book. And you feel cheap and used yourself when you find yourself in a book that has been ravished by someone else. And your bread fact was great. What a fun secret to know about you. I think the same jr. high class made me never want to make some things too.

Reno 411 said...

Curses! This is my second tag in week. I will complete the tag, however I cannot promise anything interesting like you.