Tuesday, January 1, 2008

"Santa Brought My Horse Back"

Katherine, after catching a peak of one of her Christmas presents (a black horse for her American Girl doll) was confused as to why she couldn't have it when she saw it immediately. I told her that I gave it to Santa who was fixing it up and making sure it would work and he'd bring it back for Christmas. The two Santas she talked to were asked to please bring the black horse back to her.
One of the other gifts Katherine was expecting was a Barbie fishing pole. I learned about this from her pre-school teacher after the Christmas party when Mrs. Havens said to Kat, "I hope you get the fishing pole you asked for." I did a double take to make sure she was talking to my child. I took Mrs. Havens aside and asked her what that statement meant. She informed me Katherine had been telling her for about 2 weeks that she was getting a Barbie fishing pole for Christmas. She had seen the silly thing at White Elephant and I assumed she would forget about it. Needless to say, I called Greg as soon as we were in the car and asked him to go to White Elephant and get the pole or we would be sunk. Success! And for $11.99, too!I'm calling this gift "What was Santa thinking?" The box full of makeup seemed like a fun mother-daughter activity, but Katherine left me out of the fun and painted her nails while sitting on the carpet. I must have taught her well because she had tissue under her feet.

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