Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This Made Me Laugh

"I don't drink coffee, sir. I don't drink hot liquids of any kind. That's the devil's temperature." - Kenneth the Page shunning the espresso machine on his desk on 30 Rock.

30 Rock is one of my favorite shows and I've watched it since the first episode. It makes me laugh out loud. If you haven't discovered Kenneth yet, maybe you should. Everyone should have a bit of naive optimism.


Larsens said...

I think you took too many Ambiens because you haven't been blogging. Missed you there.
No, I have never watched any episodes of your favorite show. Sorry. But I watched the Real Housewives of OC last night with Lauri's big bang wedding. WOW!

Kristine said...

I watched that, too! Real Housewives is such a guilty pleasure. I'll post about why I haven't been posting. . .

Sant Family said...

There you are!! I missed you! I started to get worried! Welcome back. I haven't watched 30 Rock either, but you make want to.