Tuesday, November 6, 2007

1 Calling, 2 Calling, 3 Calling, 4. Please Don't Give Me Anymore!

After moving out of the house we sold in May, I was enjoying anonymity in our new ward while living at my parents' house. I floated under the radar for several months and that was actually a blessing because of the chaotic mess we were in. Trying to get the contractor to finish the house, hiring another contractor to finish the basement, and then having the yard landscaped was so stressful. We are finally getting to the end of moving in our things to the basement, setting up the storage, craft and toy rooms and organizing the basement.

After having my splenectomy, the callings started rolling in. I received assignments and callings from both the ward and the stake and I'm very torn about what I can do and what I want to do. Because there was confusion between the ward and stake when the calls were issued, I have been asked to consider what I want to do and to choose between the assignments and callings. So, what do I do? The rebel in me says to turn everything down and suggest I be the sacrament meeting program typist and ward bulletin board decorator. Mom mom didn't think this idea was funny; she believes I can and should do everything. But seriously, there is one ward and one stake calling I feel strongly about and know I can do a good job: Home, Family & Personal Enrichment Committee Chair and Stake Music Chair. Now, I just have to figure out how to get out of the other two. One situation is difficult for me because the person who I am to work with is a friend of mine and someone I used to visit teach. I don't want to leave her in the lurch, but I do not believe I am supposed to fulfill this particular assignment.

So, the question is: How many callings are too many? How much is too much? Is it really my choice?


Marja's Recipes said...

4 is too many. There are other people who can do the other callings. But your problem (not really a problem) is that you are SO SO SO talented, and the stake and the ward want to tap into your incredible talents. Just don't take on too much. It is easier to say "no" now, than later.

Sant Family said...

Go with what you feel good about. Trust your instincts. Your friend will understand and while you may get a flaming bag of doggy-poo on your porch, that's a minor inconvience to a long-term stay at a mental health facility.

Love, Tif

Reno 411 said...

I think that you should go with your gut like Tifani said. Sometimes we get callings of desperation and not inspiration. Not that I think it is a calling of desperation in your case. I know you will do a great job NO MATTER where you serve. But you are only one person and there are others who can serve as well. We all know you are Superwoman but when you have 60 callings it makes the rest of us look bad.