Saturday, November 24, 2007

Hostess Mostest Thankful

It's midnight and I'm so exhausted I can't sleep. This evening has been a whirlwind (okay, more like a hurricane) of activity that now I can't relax. My brain won't shut down.

My parents, Jason, Leslie and her family and Kimberly and her family all came over to our house for turkey leftovers. This was where the food was since I hosted the dinner at our house this year. (My mom is finishing her kitchen remodel and so I took over hostess duties.) I had actually cooked 2 turkeys to make sure I'd have enough for Thanksgiving and for leftovers. On the day of the big feast all of the food turned out the way I hoped and planned. My mom brought pies and Leslie and Mike brought wonderful rolls. We still have a lot of turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes, but today scraped the remains of the yams/sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, salad, peas and stuffing. So sad that all of that work is gone, the day is over, and the recipes filed away until next year.

Thanksgiving was a very good day. There's just such a great feeling of pulling it all off, of having it all come together. As we sat around our table, eating and talking, I felt great satisfaction in being a hostess. I think this is how my mom, who is fabu-hostess-lous, has felt all these years at the dinners we've had at her house. I am so thankful to have been taught very well by my mom to not only prepare a great meal, but enjoy serving her guests.

1 comment:

Marja's Recipes said...

Amen to that, sister. You Komm girls are incredible. Your mother taught you so well. Now one compares to you, Kristine. You are the most wonderful hostess. Arlene should be proud. I'm sure she is.