Sunday, November 11, 2007

Gift Idea for Teacher, Parent, Friend

When I visited Utah this past week I was able to stop by Seagull Book to do some Christmas shopping. One item I was in search of was a gift for Katherine's pre-school teacher, Mrs. Havens. I found the perfect book: Blessed Are the Children: The Miracle and Beauty of Childhood. The book is filled with artwork by Robert Duncan, Greg Olsen, Simon Dewey and more. Each page of art is accompanied by quotes about children and childhood by President Gordon B. Hinckley, Eleanor Roosevelt, Napoleon (not Dynamite, although that would have been a hoot, gosh!), Wordsworth, Mr. Rogers, Plato and more. Garrison Keillor is quoted saying, "Nothing you do for children is ever wasted." That is the sentiment I hope to express to Mrs. Havens when we give her this gift during the holiday season.


Marja's Recipes said...

We had so much fun. Thanks for visiting. Come back soon.

Reno 411 said...

That is a great idea. Hannah has two teachers and that would be an awesome gift for them.